Re-rootness-ia: From Taipei to Ulaanbaatar City 2018

Laurent, Lin Chen Wei/ 2018
Artworks co-made with 葉綠塑 in Taipei, Kuandu Museum of Fine Art/ Ulaanbaatar City, 976 Art Gallery/

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20188月至10月,參與「IS/IN LAND: 台蒙當代藝術游牧計畫」經驗給了我一場新的藝術感受。首先是回到母親們的勞動敘事,第二是蒙古的城鄉移民。即便兩地曾分屬不同的冷戰陣營,我仍試圖創造一段勞動者的共同敘事。





     她們看影像、試聲音,耳邊傳來美軍電台裡的英文歌,像Michael JacksonThe Jackson 5Andy WilliamsTom Jones。英文歌是唯一的娛樂。


(folded by Gantuya Badamgarav)


蒙古文化向來對我有莫名吸引力:一款知名的電腦遊戲Age of Empire中,我始終選擇當蒙古族。還未學會寫作之前,我試圖在這款遊戲裡編劇,畫出想像中的蒙古草原與俄國冰河,訴說亞歷山大.涅夫斯基的軍隊要如何於條頓騎士團及欽察汗國的雙重包夾中獲勝。


(Made by Laurent Lin Chen Wei)





Concept: About "Re-rootness-ia"

 Laurent, Lin Chen-Wei

Economy and urban industrialization in Taiwan was supported by the U.S, whereas Mongolia under the Soviet regime during the cold war.

Like my mother, she used to be an American TV factory worker in Taipei County before her marriage in the 1970th .

    People migrate from countryside to cities for “better life” both in Mongolia and Taiwan. However, the homeless, poverty, prostitution problems are also migrating from pastoral areas to cities, from local to abroad.

When middle-class toys become the homeless furniture.

Myths and legends are being crystalized on city floor.

When ovoo becomes the shelter in abandoned parks.

Old sayings being narrated within the urban nomad’s eyes.

When naïve paper airplanes crashes.

The suitcases never being stopped

Families and friends flowed into the factories.
Blessed in Re-Rootedness-Ia

        What I have done here is to juxtapose the Mongolian traditions and modernity.

        That may never change.


“Re-rootness-ia” is not an utopian imagination.

I found a birthmark on my back when I was 18, like an arrow shot behind. It has become a secret and puzzle, as well as indeed a good question toward the previous incarnations for me.

When playing the game” Age of Empire” during my teen, I always pretended myself as a Mongolian warrior, using arrows to conquer the enemies I confronted. Even before learning writing, I edited a story on it of “Александр Невский”Alexander Y. Nevsky, how he survived the adventure between Mongolian Golden Horde and Teutonic invasion. For now, I still don’t know why I chose him.

        I cannot describe the experiences very concretely.
Déjà vu. I never come here before.

 All I need to know is that the number of “20” in each particular era. Despites both Mongolia and Taiwan diverse in different scales , not only from plateau to island, but from cold wave to monsoon. The term “Ia” becomes a relevant metaphor which is able to be connected within the wars, occupations, colonization, negotiations between different countries, revolutions and contemporary globalization with its international division of labors and urban-rural developing problems.

The petroglyph from Gobi inspired me to keep asking the common “ia” questions. The ancient holy stones inscribed the memories and stories toward unknown future. However, how should we let the peoples’ narratives be transferred and inherited ? To 2020, 2120,… and so on?

“Re-rootness-ia” is not a virtual utopia. It is in-situ but nomadic, a certain space with ambiguity we are eternally seeking for.
